Sunday, April 22, 2012

10 Foods to Help Prevent Cancer

keep your disease at bay...

1) Garlic- contains sulfur compounds that stimulate immune system's natural defenses against cancer.

2) Steamed Broccoli- microwaving decreases about 97 percent of its anticancer property. It is better raw or steamed

3) Brazil Nuts- which contains selenium which convinces cancer cell death and helps repair their DNA

4) Batch of fresh lemonade- citrus may cut down half the risk of mouth, throat and stomach cancer

5) Blueberries-antioxidant power no.1

6) Artichokes-great source of silymarin, antioxidant that may prevent skin cancers

7) Grills- less likely to develop blood cancers, leukemia, myeloma and non-hodgkin lymphoma.

8) Kiwi fruits-contains cancer fighting antioxidants, vitamin C, E, lutein and copper

9) Scallions- reduces prostrate cancer by 50 percent when eaten raw or slightly cooked

10) Sauerkraut- contains cancer fighting compounds including ITCs, Indoles and sulforaphane. To reduce sodium content it has to be rinse canned or jarred before eating.


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