Of Seclusion
The sights from seclusion,
It is vast and vivacious.
The crimson colours,
The cumulus clouds.
The songs of bird,
The fluttering leaves,
They are all sensed,...
The Legendary Dzongda Tshering Wangda of Haa
For us, the people of Haa, Dasho Tshering Wangda will always be fondly
remembered as the Dzongda who transformed our lives with his extraordinary
Hokey Pokey Dance
Music is such a beautiful thing. It makes you laugh, cry, sing, dance and
learn and even brings people together.
My daughter is fond of nursery rhymes an...
2015 Year in rewind
No matter what happens, good or bad, life goes on and on. 2015 year has
come to an end now. With the end of the year, it's time to realize that I
have be...
72 days’ appointment
On 4thAugust, I registered for driving test. It was Tuesday and I knew the
registration would be open (normally only Mondays or Tuesdays would be
open). Bu...
Inherent Vice (2014) Download Full
Watch Streaming *Inherent Vice* in High Definition Quality. Full Movie
Streaming *Inherent Vice* in Best Quality. Online Streaming *Inherent Vice*
in Bes...
Oldie Goldie featuring Baby Jetsuen
Hey Guys,
Just got done doing a blog post for my other blog KUSHUTHARA DIARIES. Do
check it out if you haven't already.
Riku Dhan Subba's Blog: Serving tea
Riku Dhan Subba's Blog: Serving tea: It’s stark midnight. Out on Thimphu
Street was frost-cold and bone chilling. Drayangs, karaoke and discotheques
- all ...
7 interesting facts about life.
1) In our life we eat 6 Elephant size food, which is more than 60,000
2) High car accidents occurs mostly in left turning vehicles in a traff...
Tribute to my teachers
The teachers of the past, present and future,
Whose compassions are infinite and unconditional,
On this very auspicious occasion,
On the knowledge of the s...
How long ill it take to be with you?
Monday, I'm waiting
Tuesday, I'm still waiting to see
see.. see.. if you are fine
Wednesday, you're still not here
Neither in the morning, nor later
*Your Love is Beyond Greatness*
Millions of people say that you are not true, if you are not true then why
billions of people praises you and still believe...
The Chosen Son
When I was a little girl, my Grandmother used to tell me stories of Great
Kings, their noble deeds, and the battles that they fought to protect our
best song!
bhai tika ma baat na aww la!!!!!!... bedai cha ahja li..(2).
na roi jaw cheli !! ahsih cha timi li. po rai nai afnu hoon..affnu nai pa
bhai tik...
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